TVET Madani Roadshow
The Madani TVET Exploration Program has arrived in the city of Samarahan, Sarawak. This program is an initiative by YB Tuan Mustapha Sakmud, the Deputy Minister of Human Resources, aimed at tracing the successful TVET alumni who have completed their studies at TVET institutions.
ILP Kota Samarahan is fortunate to have been selected to make this program a success, and one of our former students, Mr. Zul Radhi, has been visited by YB Tuan Mustapha Sakmud. Mr. Zul Radhi is one of the three founders of Power Best Electrical Company, located in Kota Samarahan.
Hopefully, with programs like this, the community will become more open in assessing the quality of TVET institution graduates and will no longer view TVET as the last resort in determining their educational path.