
Eid Greetings

Here, I would like to express my gratitude to all ILPKS staff for their diligent efforts in supporting the development and education of the local community. May your sacrifices and
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Jom Berinfaq

During this blessed month of Ramadan, the Committee of Surau An Nur ILPKS has planned various programs and activities throughout the month. Let us pray together so that all deeds
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July 2024 Admission

ADVERTISEMENT FOR ENROLLMENT AT ILJTM JULY 2024 SESSION DON’T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY‼ New Student Intake for JULY 2024 session at the Human Resources Department Training Institute (ILJTM), MINISTRY OF
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Episode 1 : TVET Direction, Public Perception, Career in TVET. Discussion of TVET’s direction with En. Shakib bin Ahmad Shakir, Director General of JTM and En. Chen Teck Foong, Senior
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Our condolences to the family of the deceased and the school for the loss of a gem which helped ilpks in the promotion series of the kapit tour in September
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